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Steering Committee: September 11, 2019

In Attendance: Aristotle, Augustina, Dayna, Dielle, George, Janet, Kevan, Lillian, Nicole, Sanjeev, Sarah, Sophie, Paul


  • Impact Summary for Ministry- Dielle

  • Connect with site leads regarding physician attendance on ECHO and Prescriber calls- Aristotle/George

  • Schedule/Coordinate SEE calls with sites and trainers- connect with Shirley for dates/times- Dayna

  • Reach out to Kelsey regarding onboarding for ECHO – Dielle

  • Connect with sites re: IT equipment for patient measures (NB) and ECHO sessions (Durham)- sites to buy options provided by CAMH and then invoice EPI-SET- Dielle

  • Confirm Nov training schedule with trainers - Sarah and George

  • Send calendar holds to sites and EPI-SET team for the Nov training- Dielle/Dayna

  • Reach out to Susan regarding option for dates/times for post training calls – George & Sarah




  • Andrea Alves started on Monday/September 9th

  • New RAs will be supporting specific committees

  • Dielle to send an email to the full team introducing the RA and their roles in each committees.


  • Sudbury REB annual renewal was submitted Tuesday/September 12th

  • REB revisions for other 3 sites- in progress

  • Waterloo REB was submitted in August- Dielle to follow-up with Kim


  • Dayna to remind sites about SOP protocol and provide deadline so we can begin patient measures once the database UAT is completed- UAT to be completed by Sept 20th.

  • Translation of fliers to French/ North Bay was also inquiring about French translation of NAVIGATE handouts - Alexia is leading this piece. PSSP has reached out to the manager for strategic partnership and engagement, and is waiting for a response re: the fliers.

  • Dayna has reached out to the current and new sites to obtain information about staff current roles and NAV roles

  • Dayna to reach out to Niagara regarding SEE calls and find out when the SEE worker will be starting.

  • Thunder Bay will attend the training in NOV- they will not be part of the research study but receive all components of EPI-SET except the patient measures objective- TB will join ECHO sessions and will also receive a scaled back version of fidelity assessment.

  • Discussion regarding sites obligation if they receive NAVIGATE training- Thunder Bay’s contract –should include a clear set of expectations for both organizations

  • Training on access database (for clinical referral tracking) for the clinical teams will done by local Implementation Specialist


  • One page impact summary report to be prepared for ministry which will include :

  • How many clinicians/physicians have been trained to date; how many new staff will be trained in Nov

  • How many patients have received NAVIGATE

  • Fidelity results

  • Update on first ECHO session

  • Update on patient and family advisory committees

  • Dielle to prepare draft and send for review.


  • Reminder email has been sent to the prescribers letting them know that the calls have dropped from 60 mins to 30 mins; from November the calls are every other month

  • Kevan to send list of physician attendees on the Sept 12th call.

  • IS team to inform the sites leads that we have modified the prescriber calls timings to ensure attendance-

  • SC team to decide if we reach out to them via email individually or as a group or do we have a call?


  • Next session Sept 24th. Peter will no longer be involved with ECHO because schedule conflict

  • Kelsey has agreed to take over. Dielle will reach out to Maurey to schedule a training session for Kelsey.


  1. Option1 - $400 – all in one microphone. Webcam that pans 70 degrees. HD video 30 frames/second. Captures voice within 8 feet

  2. Option2 - $1800 – conference solution for larger rooms; provides 90-degree view; can attach external mics

  3. $400 seems feasible and will work well.

  4. Decision made to test it out with one site first- Durham

  5. Sites will purchase the microphone and can invoice EPI-SET; sites will be responsible for maintenance and can keep the equipment.

  6. Need to buy one laptop for North Bay (patient measures)


  • Training finalized for November 18th

  • Sarah and George are confirming the schedule with trainers

  • Calendar hold will be sent to the sites for the full day

  • Nov training will only include in-person training for new sites and new staff from current sites- No booster training in Nov- booster sessions will be done annually- possibly next fall for all sites.

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