Invite Simone to an upcoming meeting to discuss reports timeline – Andrea
Follow up with Dr. Crawford regarding e-NAVIGATE hiring – Dr. Kozloff
Connect with Dr. Durbin on Fidelity requirements for e-NAV study – Dr. Kozloff
Follow-up with Dr. Monica Choi regarding ECHO training – Abanti/Brannon
REB - Durham meeting update
Dr. Voineskos explained that adding COVID measures to the existing study is important to understand our data in the context of the pandemic and how it may affect our participants’ symptoms/functioning
Currently awaiting a response
Thunder Bay update
PSSP is supporting the team by meeting weekly since July and re-doing clinical logistics assessment, site –level coaching plan, etc.
The team has created care pathways for all interventions
Clinicians are very motivated ; Joy and Tiffany have had a great impact
The team is hosting a NAV party in October to showcase the work that has been done!
The current focus is on preparing for data capture; meeting with team tomorrow
Dielle, Andrea and Brannon are attending check-in in early October for onboarding and then they will be ready to start referring clients for research
Advisory Committees
Engagement Evaluation
Andrea met with Simone to touch base on engagement assessments
Will invite Simone to an upcoming meeting to discuss reports timeline
Planning for meeting next week
Things are going really well
Planning engagement opportunities for FAC members to attend October ECHO session
Family members are interested in participating in Family Education programs across the sites to discuss participation in research
Patient Measures
Total Referrals received: 45 (Durham: 22; NB: 6; Niagara: 11; Waterloo: 3; Sudbury:1)
Baseline completed: 21 (Durham: 10; NB: 4, Niagara: 5; Waterloo: 1; Sudbury: 1);
6-month F/U completed: 2 – more to be scheduled in mid-October
Upcoming Participants: 1 scheduled next week
Problem-solving and working with site clinicians to connect with clients and assist with rescheduling
e-NAVIGATE Study Update – Dr. Kozloff
Dr. Kozloff and Dr. Tempelaar met earlier this week to start working on knowledge translation ideas
The proposal was submitted in July and within the first month of funding, knowledge translation plan is required
Advantage of being embedded in the larger project is to share our findings with the other NAV sites
Hiring: we have a budget for a 1.0 FTE RA and 0.5 FTE Project Coordinator
Are there any other projects that also have a 0.5 Coordinator that this could align with?
Coordinator should have expertise in virtual care already and the other role would be more research-related
Dr. Kozloff will reach out to Dr. Crawford about this
Aiming to have REB submission in by Oct 1st
Study start-up meeting usually happens after REB approval but because in this case a lot of the work is looking at routinely collected data – should have 1 hour meeting soon and then decide which meetings work best (15 mins each week, 30 mins bi-weekly).
Will need Co-PIs engaged in these meetings
Andrea has sent invites to Dr. Crawford and Dr. Barwick; Dr. Kozloff reached out to explain purpose of these meetings
Any ideas about how to promote buy-in from clinical team to participate in training activities?
Work with Sarah and Seharish on this
The 1C move also offers an opportunity because clinicians will be getting training boost so can use this as an engagement opportunity
Janet and team are currently planning next wave of EPION assessments
More staff are joining to conduct assessments
Knowing the needs for this project could help to take advantage of the additional staff
Fidelity assessments were included in the CIHR budget
Janet’s team has planned assessments to occur once per month starting in November
For e-NAV the proposed timeline had assessments occurring in spring when virtual care is in adopted phase; will check back about this
Have not yet heard back from UofT (2 year award)
First ECHO session is this Friday
Durham has provided their case presentation information
Didactic presentation has been received from hub members
Sanjeev attended the Family Advisory Committee and was able to provide understanding of how ECHOs are used, and family members are interested in attending ECHO session.
May also consider having a family member on the hub officially as this has been part of other ECHOs as well. Can think of this for the next phase.
Leadership transition
This is an opportunity for people to evolve into their own leadership roles
Waiting for confirmation but generally the plan is bringing in new people who have not been on ECHO team in past.
Monica Choi has been prescriber role on project from beginning.
Hoping that Monica will agree to take on the ECHO Co-Lead role.
Wanda is also leading the e-NAVIGATE grant
There would be a transition plan once we confirm this
Dr.Kozloff will stay on the ECHO team as long as needed to help facilitate the transition
Dr. Choi was part of early ECHO discussions and has been participating and engaged. This is looking to be smoother than other ECHO transitions.
The ECHO immersion training was offered; it would be good for Monica to attend as it provides more formal facilitation training. It is offered periodically, so would be important to get in during this cycle.
Dr. Tempelaar has attended 1 ECHO so far and will be attending the training sessions tomorrow and Friday afternoon and then hopes to contribute consistently.