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Steering Committee: May 1, 2019

In attendance: Sarah, Dielle, Alexia, Aristotle, Augustina, Paul, Janet, Jasmyn, Chelsi, George, Lillian, Nicole, Dayna

Action Items:

  • Protocol Amendments – Jasmyn

  • Connect with Divya regarding frequency of family/youth advisory engagement measures – Jasmyn

  • EPION Conference – Chelsi

  • Scientific Governance

  • Connect with PACT-MD – Chelsi

  • Email template – Paul

  • Service Measures and Outcome Committee

  • Fidelity summary to be sent around - Janet

  • Send out reminder through REDCap for site readiness survey – Jasmyn

  • PSSP to remind the directors to remind their staff about the site readiness survey – PSSP



Contracts: Durham

  • Obtained signatures from CAMH. Sent to Lakeridge Monday April 28th for signatures.

Protocol Amendments

  • Waiting for approval on the last CAMH Research Ethics Board (REB) submission

  • Frequency of family/youth advisory engagement measures – Lillian and Augustina to fill out as well. Diyva and Simone to train Chelsi and/or Jasmyn to interpret results.

  • Survey 1: Filled out by all members after each monthly meeting

  • Shorter survey

  • Good to have check ins after every meeting so we can make improvements

  • Survey 2: Filled out by all members at 6 month periods (dates of these surveys do not change based on when member joined the committee)

  • Survey 3: Filled out by all members every 6 months (more in depth survey)

Project Team Tele Conference Call Agenda

  1. Intro & Administrative Study Progress Updates (Budget Report, REBs, Contracts, New Team Members, EPI-SET web portal)

  2. Training

  3. Implementation – PSSP/Site leads

  4. Implementation – ECHO

  5. Service Measures and Outcomes

  6. Patient Measures and Outcomes

  7. Youth Advisory Committee

  8. Family Advisory Committee

  9. Scientific Governance (Approach to abstracts, manuscripts, and other scientific outputs – corporate authorship, protocol paper)

  • Connect with PACT-MD to see their process to deal with issues around scientific governance - who would be involved and who would do what work. Connect with Shema from Geriatrics to send the PACT-MD data request forms

  • Paul has a template that could be used

Protocol Paper Manuscript

  • Nicole taking the lead on this, Jasmyn to assist

Project Team Calls – Every Month

  • Moving forward, the first Steering Committee of the month convert into Project Team Tele-conference calls – where all project members join and give an update on their working group/committee

  • The rest of the of the Steering Committees meetings will be ad hoc

Invite/determine presenters for EPION conference

  • Submission: May 21st

  • One presentation per outcome measure

  • One PI to be labeled as the presenter though they can still present in a group

  • Potentially doing 5 – splitting up training and implementation

  • Oral presentations are 20, 30, or 60 minutes

On-site tool to monitor clients contacts ­

  • Sites would like a tool to help them with documentation (whether that be paper based or Electronic Medical Record (EMR). The clinician contact form should be easy to fill out because it is mainly check boxes. It would standardize the way the information collected through care.

  • North Bay wants to switch from paper to build it within their EMR

  • Minimum information to get:

  • How often a module is being delivered

  • IRT can be more detailed (core modules vs the extra modules)

  • Which module was delivered (page 3)

  • Might scale back on some of the items regarding reflective practice so it will be easier to sort – up to each site (PSSP to be in communication)

  • Currently CAMH uses dashboard to capture the number of IRT session they deliver and if they were core vs the extra modules

  • No prescriber form. There was a COMPASS module which is a computerize assessment tool for the RAISE study but they didn’t have the funding to be continued. We don’t need to have prescriber to do it because its recovery focus not medication focused.

  • SEE form – Would be good to send to North Bay’s outsourced site for SEE. All sites should get the same form.

  • Overall, we will encourage the sites to use the full version of it. Using the template and then adapting it to either on paper or EMR

Youth Advisory Committee

  • Met last Friday

  • Currently revising the flyer and poster, thinking of recruitment ideas (possibility sending out emails to the clinicians, posting it within their hospitals, sending an email to EPION – weekly e-bulltin – Sarah can help with this), final review of the service user document, and recommendations on their on-boarding document.

  • No REB would be required for the posters

Implementation Committee

  • Durham and North Bay have launched April 1st

  • Niagara launched May 1st

  • PSSP specialists are currently have frequent conversations with the site managers, directors, and clinicians (documentation is a big part of this conversation)

  • Clinicians have started to use the modules and will come to their PSSP specialists with any concerns they have, so that a plan can be developed

  • Jeff has been working on the family education piece

Service Measures and Outcomes

  • Janet will email a summary

  • Site Readiness Assessment – 9 out of 15 responses

  • Send out another reminder through REDCap

  • PSSP to remind the directors to remind their staff

  • Sophie and Juveria are focusing on the family and patient piece for QI (Janet is in discussion with them)

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