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Implementation Committee: September 14, 2022


Michael, Sandy, Kerri, Josette, Kim, Sarah, Nitha


Carol, Jolene, Jeff, Shelly


  • Onboarding communication and monitoring

  • Sept 28 optional IPC meeting

  • Check-ins


1. Onboarding communication and monitoring

  • Michael reviewed latest version of staff onboarding email and checklist

  • Site leads liked email content; wanted timelines left in to keep people on track;

  • Kerri and Kim said there is a lot for new staff to complete during staff orientation (other organizational policies, training, handbooks, general EPI information) that it can be difficult and overwhelming for new staff to complete NAVIGATE orientation rapidly

  • Decision to extend target timeline for new staff to complete the online courses to avoid overwhelming new staff: i.e., change to something like, “2 - 4 weeks and speak to your supervisor if you don't think you can do it”.

2. Sept 28 IPC Meeting

  • Decision to cancel the optional IPC meeting on Sept 28 due to expected absences

3. Updates

Site updates

  • Josette: nothing much to report

  • Sudbury: Michael shared there is a new nurse educator in Sudbury, Karyn Makela, who is providing clinical education and support to the EPI team. Josette welcomed Michael’s suggestion that he could connect them. Michael to send Josette the new NE’s contact.

  • Kim: two new staff in WW. Program is organizing into three hubs. Referrals are up and they are starting to accept new patients into hubs based on space.

  • Kerri: three new nurses transferred into the program to bring staff total to 10. Currently down one social worker.

    • Niagara launching new awareness campaign: three short 2-minute videos (one family member, one person with lived experience, one staff member); information cards that can be given out; Kerri is doing guest-speaking at a variety of places

    • Campaign designed by a health promoter

    • Other teams interested in having the materials and videos once they are ready. Kerri said she would share.

  • Sarah noted that CoE could focus on making EPI awareness and resources provincial rather than just program-specific.

Evaluation updates

  • Fidelity reports still on hold. Sandy will get them to site leads as soon as she can

  • Readiness survey delayed again due to REB consent issues

Research updates

  • Currently at 96 study participants and still aiming for 100.

  • Requesting referrals to reach final 4.

  • Starting ECHO qualitative interviews

  • REB amendments sent to sites this week regarding names on consent forms

Action items

  • Michael to adjust e-learning timeline statement on onboarding email and checklist

  • Michael to cancel Sep 28 IPC meeting

  • Nitha requesting that site leads please continue to refer patients to help study reach 100 participants

  • Nitha requesting that WW and NB please sign back REB amendment

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