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Implementation Committee: September 11, 2019

In attendance: Dayna, George, Sandy, Janet Durbin, Kelsey, Sarah, Hiwot

Action Items:

  • Review staff list that Dielle prepared- Sarah/Dayna

  • Confirm timing of team meeting on November 18th- George/Sarah

  • Request feedback from site leads regarding database document- Implementation Committee


All were reminded the site leads will join every 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Training Needs

  • The November 18th NAVIGATE training is confirmed. Dayna has sent the invitation to the site leads and they will ask staff to save the date.

  • Dielle has compiled the staff list it into one document and added an extra column for current roles and what is required for NAVIGATE training.

  • What pre-training will there be that is web based? We need to confirm who will do this with the trainers. Pre-training does not require its own evaluation.

  • Sarah, George and Dielle are working on the contracts with the trainers. Education services at CAMH will assist with e-learning. A training evaluation will be prepared. There is no further coordination support needed from sites at this time.

  • We need to clarify with Susan Gingrich what the post training calls will look like and what is possible with our budget.

  • Sandy may not attend training but is willing, if needed.

  • The team meeting may occur before or after the November 18th training. Aristotle needs to clarify the purpose and timing of the meeting.

Post Training Calls/ECHO Calls

  • Question came from Thunder Bay, they were on the initial call and wanted to talk more than they did. What is the expectation for them on the calls? Can they submit cases before the training?

  • George confirmed Thunder Bay is not one of the study sites. They are an unaccounted for influence in the research study. There is no participation at this stage. It won’t be appropriate for them to submit cases. They can observe and it’s to support their own internal capacity building. After 8 sessions of ECHO, all will be welcome to participate fully.

Measuring navigate delivery

  • There is no official data that tracks navigate implementation. This was discussed in the steering committee.

  • If we don’t succeed in implementing a tool within 6 months to a year, we will lose data.

  • All sites are very eager to have something that works and is easy. With access database, no one in Niagara understands how to use the program. Some setup and customizing reports may be needed. The sites can’t do this for themselves. Also, Excel is not widely used in clinical practice.

  • Redcap will no longer be an option as patient data would be housed offsite and raises concerns about privacy.

  • What are next steps to create this access database? Are we administering the SERC? Aristotle said the sites can use this as well for their patients. This gives a high level overview of implementation. Chelsi sent a list of things to include in the database.

  • Dayna has an access document which reflect Durham as an example.

  • Next step is to have sites look at this document to get their feedback.

  • We want something low tech and easy to use at this point. We haven’t formalized it yet. Janet to provide an update once final options are identified.

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