Attendance: Nitha, Emily, Dielle, Carol, Lauren, Jeff, Josette, Kim, Kerri, Anne-Marie
Action Items:
Dielle to send out patient recruitment flyer to site leads
Dielle to double check if YAC/FAC video is research-related
Nitha to re-share the web-based resources presented at an earlier ECHO session
Lauren to look into NAVIGATE training for trainers
Research Updates
Reminder for recruitment/re-approaching
YAC/FAC videos - Dielle to double check if it’s research related
Patient recruitment flyer: REB approved March 2021
Sites could add it into orientation package, put it up in clinic and send PDF flyer sent to virtual clients via email
Dielle will send out flyer to site leads
Site Updates
Thunder Bay: Clinic to open up for in-person visits! Two FAC members and 1 YAC member to join family group.
Sudbury: 1 clinician returned from redeployment, new coordinator starting as Anne-Marie is retiring.
North Bay: Appointments are a mix of phone, video and in-person appointments.
Waterloo: New peer support starting! Psychiatrist on mat leave is coming back!
Niagara: Still hiring an OT, down a peer support. Other programs are supporting EPI. Public outreach to educate students (& future clinicians).
Training Status
What percentage of clinicians have received the in-person training
Sudbury: 0
North Bay: 2 (no change in staff)
Thunder bay: All staff but 1 received in-person
Niagara: All staff (except Kerri) have not received in-person
Waterloo: 9/20 staff received in-person
Multimedia piece is lacking (need to add videos)
Need to make it youth-friendly, including language
Will re-share the web-based resources presented at an earlier ECHO session
Onboarding: how is the orientation structured per role?
Set up with Michael, basic orientation about the roles
Train the trainer? Lauren to look into this