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Implementation Committee: February 23, 2022

Attendance: Nitha, Emily, Dielle, Carol, Lauren, Jeff, Josette, Kim, Kerri, Anne-Marie

Action Items:

  • Dielle to send out patient recruitment flyer to site leads

  • Dielle to double check if YAC/FAC video is research-related

  • Nitha to re-share the web-based resources presented at an earlier ECHO session

  • Lauren to look into NAVIGATE training for trainers

Research Updates

  • Reminder for recruitment/re-approaching

    • YAC/FAC videos - Dielle to double check if it’s research related

  • Patient recruitment flyer: REB approved March 2021

    • Sites could add it into orientation package, put it up in clinic and send PDF flyer sent to virtual clients via email

    • Dielle will send out flyer to site leads

Site Updates

  • Thunder Bay: Clinic to open up for in-person visits! Two FAC members and 1 YAC member to join family group.

  • Sudbury: 1 clinician returned from redeployment, new coordinator starting as Anne-Marie is retiring.

  • North Bay: Appointments are a mix of phone, video and in-person appointments.

  • Waterloo: New peer support starting! Psychiatrist on mat leave is coming back!

  • Niagara: Still hiring an OT, down a peer support. Other programs are supporting EPI. Public outreach to educate students (& future clinicians).

Training Status

  • What percentage of clinicians have received the in-person training

    • Sudbury: 0

    • North Bay: 2 (no change in staff)

    • Thunder bay: All staff but 1 received in-person

    • Niagara: All staff (except Kerri) have not received in-person

    • Waterloo: 9/20 staff received in-person

  • Multimedia piece is lacking (need to add videos)

    • Need to make it youth-friendly, including language

    • Will re-share the web-based resources presented at an earlier ECHO session

  • Onboarding: how is the orientation structured per role?

    • Set up with Michael, basic orientation about the roles

  • Train the trainer? Lauren to look into this

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